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lieutenant general 陸軍中將。

lieutenant governor

On the mountain of tai hang tells the story of the sino - japanese war and the commander - in - chief , zhu de , leading the main force of the eighth route army to the battlefront against the japanese invaders . presented are several important campaigns , from september 1937 to may 1940 , including the pingxingguan victory , the surprise attack on yangmingbao , xinkou campaign and huangtuling campaign , where abuguixiu , lieutenant general of the japanese army , was shot down 抗日戰爭勝利是世界東方的偉大壯舉,為紀念中國人民抗日戰爭勝利60周年,八一電影制片廠籌備經年,斥資五千萬元,動用了100多噸炸藥8000馀枝槍械800馀輛戰車50馀架次直升機10萬部隊官兵140多個數碼科技制作的場景,呈現出千軍萬馬泥石流等氣勢恢弘的場面。

Commanding officer and lieutenant general to hong kong unit wang jitang indicated in his speech that : pla to hong kong will entrust with the motherland and people ; never let the hong kong people down ; abide the common law and station troops law ; sustain the government of sar to obey the laws ; carry out the defending affair , and make contribution to the great policy of “ one country two system “ and the long term prosperity of hong kong 駐港部隊司令員王繼堂中將在致辭中表示,駐軍將牢記祖國和人民的囑托,不辜負香港同胞的期望,嚴格遵守《基本法》和《駐軍法》 ,積極支持特區政府依法施政,忠實履行香港防務,努力為實踐“一國兩制”偉大方針、維護香港長期繁榮穩定作出新的貢獻。

The u . s . congress passes legislation authorizing the rank of general of the army ( now called “ 5 - star general “ ) . lieutenant general ulysses s . grant becomes the first to have this rank 1866年的今天,美國國會通過了一項批準設陸軍上將軍銜的立法(現在被叫作“五星上將” ) 。陸軍中將尤利西斯?修?格蘭特成為首位被授予此軍銜的人。

The high guy and fungis had no lin2 gong to set out in add lead of sand descend to gram , the itinerary lieutenant general will appear a few important roles this time , please expectation ! 高佬和霉在加沙的帶領下向克里無林宮出發了,這次旅程中將會出現幾位重要角色,敬請期待! !

The lord lieutenant general and general governor of ireland , john wyse nolan answered from the stairfoot “那是陸軍中將愛爾蘭總督大人, ”約翰懷斯諾蘭從樓梯腳下回答說。

President bush is choosing the lieutenant general douglas lute to be the nation ' s war czar 布什總統任命道格拉斯.盧特中將為戰場總指揮。

Iraqi lieutenant general hussam mohammed amin supervised preparation of the report 伊拉克軍方的一位中將,哈薩姆?穆罕默德?阿明負責監督報告的編寫。

At gibraltar we were greeted by the governor , lieutenant general sir f . n . mason macfarlane 我們在直布羅陀受到總督梅森?麥克法蘭中將的歡迎。

As for the ranks , we have general , lieutenant general , and major general 就軍銜而言,我們有上將、中將、少將。